People peekin'


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Looking back

I feel like my PPSD started before I gave birth, but at it's absolute worst, the nighttime was my most dreaded time.  I wonder how in the hell my husband managed to get some sleep because if the roles were reversed,  would've abandoned our bedroom and slept somewhere else......or freaked out on him!  It was if I looked for every possible way to make sure he would never see REM sleep and if he was awake, he'd have all sorts of obsticals to get out of the room.

Every night, I would sleep on the side of the bed closest to the baby's basinette.  I pulled it as close to the bed as possible and as far up to my head as I could, which would block J's route to the bathroom from our bedroom.  He had to leave the bedroom, and go into the hallway to enter the bathroom if he neeed to go.  This was made even more interesting by the menagerie of animals that slept on that route.  A big border collie, a small shorkie, and two cats.I slept with my glasses on, the lights on, the television on, and the remotes in my hand to be sure that he wouldn't try to shut the tv off. 

At the time, I wasn't sure why I did all of this, but after I started examining what was going on with me, I was subconsciously doing everything I could to make sure I was on "red alert" if Allie needed me.  One little cry and I could sit up, fully awake (since I never could fall into a deep sleep) and be able to see her and evaluate the situation easily.   I never wanted to fall asleep and when I did, I would usually be jolted back awake with some kind of feeling of panic.  Was everything okay???

But what tortured me more than anything was my mind.  I felt like something dark was inside of me, whispering horrible thoughts that I couldn't get away from.  It was 'something dark".  That's the only way I could explain it to anyone.  I worried about things that ripped at my heart, made me cry and kept me even more paranoid.  The darkness was eating away at me and i so desperately didn't want it to win.  I wanted to fight it so I could enjoy my baby.  Nightmares while awake of cancer, kidnapping, torture, death and more... all of it was floating around, creating a barrier between me and my new life.  Where could I get someone to help me make this all stop?

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