People peekin'


Thursday, March 3, 2011

I had no idea!

When I came home with my beautiful little baby,  I felt like a million bucks!   I felt so good that I needed very little sleep,  was cheerful,  felt like I could care for her totally on my own without my husband's help,  and I was energized!   I had so much energy that I went back to work almost immediately.   I have a pet sitting business and my husband was helping me with as much as I would let him,  which I realized wasn't enough when my c-section incision split open a few days after I got home...... and repeatedly until three months later when my body miraculously healed itself.

I remember seeing posters in the hospital about postpartum depression.   There was one right outside my door.   My husband and I commented on how prevalent it must be with so many posters around.   I thought of Brooke Shields and my cousin who had experienced PPD.   It was so traumatic and I really felt for them!   Something drew me to these posters every day.   I would stare at them while walking Allie up and down the hall.   I had no idea that shortly I would become one of those who suffer.   And suffer,  I did.   I'm still suffering,  just on a much lighter level.   Thank God because if things didn't change I was bound for the loony bin!  Bee line from Maternity to Psych Ward!

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